
A common questions to our staff… “Why are you here?”

Marena celebrating with crew

“Why are you here? 

As a seasonal employee, I get this question a lot. When I first started seasonal work a year ago, I wouldn’t have had an answer besides that it sounds fun. Working at Wildman Adventure Resort opened my eyes to how alluring the world of seasonal can be! At the beginning of our new season, the returning staff was having a meeting and the question resurfaced. Why did you come back this year? Essentially, why are you here? 

The feeling of wanting to come back seemed like such an obvious decision, but I couldn’t quite express it in words. I’ve had a good month to ponder this question and I’ve realized that there’s no specific thing but a collection of everything that makes this chunk of wilderness in Northern Wisconsin so special to me.

Marena celebrating with crew

My initial call to seasonal work is my love for the outdoors. Wildman certainly satisfies that craving. I’m surrounded by nature constantly. Even as I sit here writing, I’m absorbing the sun on a beautiful, hot summer day. I can hear the chirping of birds all around. In the distance, I can hear my fellow wildman employees enjoying their day off, swimming in the river on the property. There’s even a heavenly breeze keeping me a just the right temperature. Wisconsin really puts on some unbeatable summer conditions for being outside. 

One thing I didn’t anticipate was all the interesting and frankly, just cool people that this job has introduced to me. I haven’t always made friends super easily in the past but it was second nature here. Seasonal employment has really helped me make lasting friendships with people from across the country. Now I have a couch to crash on almost anywhere I want to travel in the U.S.!

wildman guides having a good time

 Of course, it’s easier to bond with people when you already have so many shared interests right off the bat. It’s also easy to take for granted how much great people influence your work environment. Wildman is definitely one of those environments. I’m not just talking about how undeniably intriguing everyone is, but also the great respect I feel for the leaders at this company. They are filled with passion for their craft and I’ve always believed that makes them more admirable. They are easy to look up to and they make me raise the bar I set for myself every day. I wouldn’t have come back this year if I felt like I couldn’t grow. I believe humans are always growing and this environment is a great opportunity to use that potential. 

Another big factor in seasonal work (and my reason for working as a guide) is interacting with our guests. Seasonal employment wouldn’t be possible without them! You’d think running the same river every day or going on a zipline over and over could get boring… I’d have to disagree. I feel so much joy when a customer on my trip tells me this activity is on their bucket list. This shared love of outdoor spaces is one of the most fulfilling parts of this job. As a guide, you might introduce someone to the trip of a lifetime or help them relive an old adventure. The guest’s joy is truly infectious and that makes every trip enjoyable. One of my favorite parts of any trip is right near the end. At this point, the guests have already made it through their adrenaline-pumping trip and now they are telling anyone who will listen how much fun they had. The sparkle in their eyes never gets old as they recount every crazy bit of their journey. 

I’m glad I returned to Wildman. As the trips are starting to pick up this season, I’m constantly reminded of all the things I love about this job. With all those contributing factors I mentioned before, my answer to the initial question “Why are you here” is that it would be crazy to not be! 

About the Author: Marena Reich is a two-year guide with Wildman! She’s a van-traveling lover of whitewater rafting and rock climbing. If you’ve been on a trip with Marena, you know her stoke is always high and her ability to provide a thrilling trip is elite!whitewater guide Marena smiles